Friday, December 4, 2020

Final Blog Post (Why Technology is Freaky)

    Technology is apart of our way of living and there's nothing we can do to change that. I can't imagine living my life without my phone now, I think I would get symptoms of withdrawal. I will walk around my town and see 7yr olds with the new iPhone. Mark Zuckerberg said that "Facebook was not originally created to be a company. It was built to accomplish a social mission — to make the world more open and connected." The idea of technology had a very simple goal at first. To make life easier. This original perspective of technology is long gone, it has mutated. Now technology is a necessity to do anything in our society. We are now enslaved to the latest models of androids, or what if it's better to get the new Xbox or the new Playstation. Yet, I still love technology. I wish I knew what it was like to live without any technology. I'm an addict and I know it, but everyone is addicted to something. You just have to make sure you get addicted to something that will help increase your productivity. How Google Took Over the Classroom - The New York Times

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Final Blog Post (Why Technology is Freaky)

    Technology is apart of our way of living and there's nothing we can do to change that. I can't imagine living my life without my...