Thursday, October 15, 2020

Blog Post #5

 There is a case study that triggers a debate around the justification of actions and what makes an action immoral. The case I'm talking about is called The Lifeboat Case. I will provide a video at the bottom of this post that explains this case study. How does someone make a morally good decision? The two perspectives of this argument I'm going to work with is one from John Locke and Jermy Bentham. Locke would say that the captain of this crew made the wrong decision to take the cabins boy's life out of necessity. He would say that he had no moral ground to take one of his natural rights away. Bentham would say they committed this act of cannibalism out of necessity making it morally good. This is because the captain's actions provided the greatest amount of good for the rest of the crew. This case is great for debating morals that seem to be justified but in the end,

it all depends on the individual's perspective. 

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