Friday, October 23, 2020

Blog Post Week 12

    Since I was around for this new product when it started becoming popular, I chose to view the iPod through the lends of diffusion theory. The first time I interacted with this product was Christmas in 2004. I got the iPod Shuffle, I was so excited to use this tiny little box and listen to music. As we know, iPods eventually developed into iPhones and this can be seen clearly with the diffusion theory. Apple as a company wasn't incredibly popular until they came out with smaller handheld devices. Effective forms of communication were in high demand at the beginning of the 21st century. Ipod was such an accessible and communicative device that it became a norm for society. Every other company started following Apple's footsteps and created this smartphone we know so well today. The downside of this technological evolution is the thousands of other features that aren't related to communicating. Using social media platforms takes up so much of your time and distracts you from your surroundings. 


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Blog Post #7

 The person that talked about the invention of personal computers. The first thing I thought of was the movie Imitation Game. This is because the movie is based around the invention of the computer. Just a very big computer. It is cool realizing that computers became apart of society so quickly as a norm. It took a lot of time to get where we are today. When comparing an older computer that is the size of a room to a MacBook Air, the technological improvement is really shocking when you really think about it.

Blog Post #5

 There is a case study that triggers a debate around the justification of actions and what makes an action immoral. The case I'm talking about is called The Lifeboat Case. I will provide a video at the bottom of this post that explains this case study. How does someone make a morally good decision? The two perspectives of this argument I'm going to work with is one from John Locke and Jermy Bentham. Locke would say that the captain of this crew made the wrong decision to take the cabins boy's life out of necessity. He would say that he had no moral ground to take one of his natural rights away. Bentham would say they committed this act of cannibalism out of necessity making it morally good. This is because the captain's actions provided the greatest amount of good for the rest of the crew. This case is great for debating morals that seem to be justified but in the end,

it all depends on the individual's perspective. 

Blog Post #4

 The reason why these websites are hard to find is that we aren't supposed to find them. The government can censor what we see online if something is promoting a message that the US government doesn't appreciate. There can be many other reasons why information on the internet is censored. Such as someone telling a lie or spreading rumors that could have a major impact on our Country. It could also be because not many people are searching for a certain subject, so the links suggested after searching are unrelated to what you want to find. These two websites (The American Conservative + Antiwar) are hidden a little because of the message they are sending. They are against war, and the information they are providing could cause a problem for the US. 

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Motion Picture Invention (EOTC) Blog Post #6

    I decided to write this blog post before I did research on this topic because I know a decent amount about this invention already. I know a sequence of photos taken of a horse is the first motion picture ever in 1887. This usually gets forgotten because of the first film in a cinema. The first film was of a train coming towards the camera. When people watched this for the first time they dived out of the way in fear that the train was going to hit them. This was an invention that turned into a tool for creating art and spreading powerful messages. 

Final Blog Post (Why Technology is Freaky)

    Technology is apart of our way of living and there's nothing we can do to change that. I can't imagine living my life without my...